RE: Heavy Haze in China, Harbin



News on the CNN , Asia:

As you have read or not at all..China is in  worst situation. The haze in their country is everywhere in their city. Suffocate all of them and some even had to wear a mask on whenever they had an outdoor activities. This ever happen to Indonesia and even in Singapore for this case. Where building been cover up by the haze , when some even delay their activities or even cancel their appointment on that day. As we know this type of haze can make human breathing real worst, such if we ever inhale the bad air condition surrounding us.  As some of them have a health problem related like their lungs and other medical issue. It can be a forest burning , accident or even the factory. To avoid such worst cases like this we need to wear a mask whenever we go outdoor or just stay at home.  So that our health won’t be affected by it. Well That’s about the news today, Thank you for reading! 

RE: Innocent Dolphin Being Kill , For Shark Bait Purpose



News on the CNN world news.

I don’t understand why must human do such CRUEL innocent mammal to die and to be killed!! Why can’t they just show some pitiness to mother nature!! I mean Dolphin is not some killer mammal and they don’t harm humans!! and they killed it just to bait a GODDAMED SHARK!!! What the hell is that excuse!! If they are logical enough, they should have use normal fishes!! Not dolphin!! Are they that dumb!! You’re just ABUSING MAMMAL BEING!! Such a pitiful mammal in the sea, and they abuse it! They are a peaceful and beautiful thing to see. And humans never use their brains to think and they can do as whatever they like!! If i were a mother nature i make sure i take the human lives to danger and make them suffer and die as how they treat those innocent Dolphin!! I feel so sad seeing this cruel thing happening to such cute cute mammal.. They are really too much!! I’m sure there are thousand out there like myself who love Mammal like them. I’m also sure that you would feel so sad to see this nasty scene..i hope GOD will punish this human for doing this killing!! If they want big fishes, then don’t go killing innocent mammal! Well i hope someday they will realize how important those mammal are and how beautiful they are! Well that’s about today news, Thank you for reading! 


RE: Regarding To financial Issue in The U.S.



News on the Bloomberg webpage. As what the news told that there will be some crisis for people doing business in all company around the U.S. sales might just turn out bad. As some may either resigned their jobs, or even some they been kick out from jobs. As you know thousand or billion of them out there across the globe. Are jobless and having a financial issue related such as credit and more debts related. I’m very sure some of you have encounter a problem situation like this where some of you feel the need of cash for living and also to pay your debt but it’s hard for you it’s because of not enough cash in your bank due to you been spending on yourself or family or even paying credit or more bills. It happens to my mum who also have to work hard just to earn money just to pay up any amount from the debt and bill related. It’s not quite a good   convenience because everybody had to wait for their salary just to pay a small amount of money just for a clear up slowly. Nowadays some retail shops been selling their product prices are quite high, we use to have those cheaper and affordable price to purchase certain items. If i was a president or a government people, i would kindly offer a good cheap price for especially the poor ones, because i know how they feel. As they couldn’t effort much to support their love ones or family. Due to high prices in all retail stores. But what i notice some certain country do have like those auction shop or those 2nd hand shops which i guess only those poor ones can manage to get their items there. Whether is food , clothes , and so on.. as some are those single parents who need to support and responsible due to their school fees , food and ETC. I hope government and president would be so kind to decrease the retail prices. That show that they are really concern for the poor. I really hope they could give a 2nd thoughts and wise when it comes to this situation. Remember not all could effort to buy a food, home and clothes.. only about 50/50% of people across the globe can manage and some may not. That’s all for today news. Thank you for reading! 

RE: Stampede near Indian temple leaves 91 dead, 100 injured

ImageImage News on Monday, 14 October 2013 in TODAY newspaper:

New Delhi – At least 91 people, including women and children, were killed and over 100 injured in a stampede near a temple in central India where about half a million devotees had converged for a Hindu festival. Rumors that a bridge they were crossing was about to collapse triggered panic, causing the worst tragedy in 2 years as many jumped into the river to their deaths.

About 25,000 were crossing the bridge at the time of the incident and they were on their way to the Ratangarh temple in Datia district of Madhya Pradesh, said Mr DK Arya, the state’s Deputy Inspector-General of Police. Television images showed bodies and clothes strewn on the bridge as relatives tried to identify the victims. 10 of the injured were in a serious condition, Mr Arya said, suggesting the death toll may climb. Police wielding sticks had charged the crowd in an effort to contain the panic, Mr Arya said. People retaliated by hurling stones at officers and one officer was badly injured.

Local media said some 500,000 people had gone to the remote temple to honor the Hindu Mother goddess Durga on the last day of the popular 10 day Navaratra festival. The state has ordered a judicial inquiry into the incident. Mrs Sonia Gandhi, the leader of ruling Congress Party, expressed “shock and deep anguish over the tragic incident”, according to a party statement. Stampedes during mass gatherings are common in the country with a population of more than 1.2 billion. Government data show about 102 people were killed previously in January 2011 same DejaVu at a Hindu shrine in the southern state of Kerala. A crowd surge at a railway station in northern India killed at least 36 people in February as Hindu devotees, drawn by one of the holiest days of the world’s largest religious gathering, rushed to board trains. AGENCIES 

From my point of view, i know that each any years goes by..there’s always people will be crashing and in a tragic accident that none will ever survive through this nightmare. As for what i know they will beg for mercy from their God/Goddess seeking for help to save them from this madness..and also because they had lost their family, friends or love ones. As if this keep going on nothing will change..if God/Goddess is not listening to their prayers then there be something wrong with it. It will be like there be Doomsday in their lives. But what i only hope that and what we could do for these people is that we pray for their safety and happiness and good health. I really hope the Heaven’s will guide and help them and forgive them too.. that’s all for today! Thank you for reading! 



RE: Maids Roped in To Help Fight Crime in Private Estate



News from Monday, 14 October 2013 in TODAY newspaper:

The police are looking at roping in maids to help fight crime in private housing estates with the launch of an outreach programme aimed at creating more awareness about crime among these workers. The programme , organised by the Ang Mo Kio North Neighbourhood police Centre. Was launch on Saturday at Lentor estate and drew 300 participants, including 78 maids.

According to a police statement, if the programme, called Domestic Eyes on alert, is found to be  successful, it could be rolled out to more estates under the centre’s jurisdiction. Namely Sunrise estate along Sunrise Avenue, Cactus estate on Cactus road and Thomson Hill Estate.

The maids, being a “mainstay” of private housing estates, often share close bonds, the police said. “they could help one another to look out for criminals who are often opportunistic in nature and are known to conduct reconnaissance during the day before striking their targets,”they said.

The topics touched on Saturday included house-breaking and theft, trespassing, outrage of modesty and dealing with suspicious characters. Commander of Ang Mo Kio Police Division Keok Tong San said: “roping in domestic helpers to be in  the police’s Neighborhood Watch programme makes perfect sense, especially for landed estates where domestic helpers are often the ones who are moving in and about the estate.” CHANNEL NEWSASIA

From my point of view from this news, as some of us ever heard that some burglars or thieves come breaking in into somebody house, and making a abuse to whoever seen them in, whether is your own wife or daughter or even your maid or nanny!! For some reason they are not train to defend themselves when danger approached to them. As they think that this day will never happen in their life, as some maybe because they feel too lucky in their life thinking that everything will be alright everything gonna be fine. But to me, nothing in this world has ever been safe ever since..whether army or police force..they still can kill their ass out..whether with a gun , a metal rod or anything dangerous as that. Accident happens for a reason, some even gone missing or never come back home since then.. Shit happens you see..i guess nobody can ever be safe or be trusted as alot of disaster keep ongoing in all years..never once you ever heard a peaceful one. Well to be safe do train some secret combat for defending yourself from bad guys especially..this apply to not just ladies but to guys too! Such like Taekwondo or Karate or Tai Chi or even Kung Fu! all this will work out if you mix everything together and everything will go well. Protect yourself and those dear to you! That’s all for today news, Thank You for reading!

RE: Cyclone Happening in India, Killing 17 People

ImageImage News on the 13 October 2013, Sunday in MyPaper Singapore:

Cyclone Phailin left a trail of destruction along India’s east coast and at least 17 people dead yesterday. As emergency teams began assessing damage from the country’s biggest cyclone in 14 years, a massive relief effort went into full swing to distribute food to an estimated one million  evacuees, clear roads and help the injured. 

Most of the local population spent the night huddled in shelters and public buildings, as deafening winds flattened flimsy homes, uprooted trees and sent glass and asbestos strips flying through the air. The worst affected area around the town of Gopalpur in Orissa , where the eye of Phailin, packing winds of 200kmh, came ashore remained cut off,  with emergency services rushing to reach it. The storm destroyed hundreds of millions of dollar’s worth the crops.

But, more than 20 hours after it made landfall in Orissa state, the authorities said they knew of only 17 fatalities. “Damage to property is extensive” said Mr Amitabh Thakur, the top police officer  in the Orissa district worst -hit by the cyclone. “But few lives have been lost.” 

More than 8,000 people were killed in 1999 when cyclone hit the same region. This time round, a massive evacuation operation, which officials said was the biggest in Indian history, appeared to have succeeded in minimizing casualties. Meanwhile, in the Philippines, Typhoon Nari, the 19th storm to hit the disaster-prone country, tore into the country’s north-east coast early on Saturday. 

Thirteen people were killed as the storm ripped off roofs of homes and buildings, toppling trees and triggering flash floods and landslides before blowing away into the South China sea. AFP,AP

From my point of view from the above news, as cases like this whereby thousand had gone through viral worst case scenario a very sad tragic to people that had met with an accident. Some still can manage to survive during the typhoon or floods that just crash and landed their home in pieces or broken into some hard rocks or even on the roads and that’s where amounts of vehicle been hit by it and die in tragic misery. As i know that certain amount of people in their country had to evacuate from where they are standing and never look back. As some knows that once their closest ones had die..they had to move on and try surviving as much as possible. Well if i were in their shoes..i too would evacuate to a save better place to lived in. I feel their pain as how sad and how tragic and how scary when this happen without warning bad accident happens. So people if there’s ever a day a scary thing happen to you in just a fine weather and suddenly a biggest harsh moment come crashing into your run for your lives if you still can manage to save someone’s lives that is if that is still possible than do it. If it’s impossible to save somebody, then do save yourself and run as far as possible till you reach your destination!  Well that’s about it for today, stay safe and stay alert! Thanks for reading!