RE: Anti-Korea ‘hate speech’ illegal: Japanese court

ImageImage This news related from 7 October 2013.

TOKYO — A Japanese court ordered a group of anti-Korean activists to pay a Korean school in Kyoto ¥12 million (S$154,000) in compensation today (Oct 7) for disturbing classes and scaring children by holding “hate speech” rallies outside the school.

The landmark ruling acknowledged for the first time the explicit insults used in the rallies constituted racial discrimination, human rights experts said, and it could prompt a move to exempt hate speech from Japan’s constitutional right to free speech.

In the Kyoto District Court ruling, judge Hitoshi Hashizume said hateful language the members of the anti-Korea group Zaitokukai and their supporters shouted and printed on banners during the rallies around the school were illegal and disturbed classes and scared off school children. The judge said the video footage of the racist rallies posted by the group on the web was illegal.

The court said the rallies “constitute racial discrimination” defined under the United Nations’ convention on the elimination of racial discrimination, which Japan has ratified.

Today’s ruling also banned the group from staging further demonstrations in the neighbourhood of the pro-Pyongyang Korean elementary school in southern Kyoto, according to a court spokesman Naoki Yokota.

Several hundred thousand Koreans comprise Japan’s largest ethnic minority group, many of them descendants of forced labourers shipped to Japan during its 1910-1945 colonial rule of Korea, and still face discrimination.

Such rallies have escalated this year and spread to Tokyo and other cities with Korean communities amid growing anti-Korean sentiment. In street rallies held in major Korean communities in the Tokyo area, hundreds of group members and supporters called Koreans “cockroaches”, shouted “Kill Koreans” and threatened to “throw them into the sea”.

Zaitokukai, which boats more than 10,000 members, said they were only protesting the school’s use of a nearby city-run park without permission. They also say that they protest against the “privileges” given to ethnic Koreans in Japan and that slurs against them are part of “freedom of expression”.

The school filed the lawsuit in June 2010 against the group and eight activists over the hate-speech rallies held on three occasions between December 2009 and March 2010 near the ethnic Korean elementary school. The activists threatened Koreans and called them in names, causing some children to develop stomach pains.

An earlier ruling related to the demonstrations found four of the eight activists guilty of obstruction of business and vandalism, but did not discuss the racist content. AP

From my point of view above, why must Japan people have a grudge against Korean? Whereby they did nothing wrong against Japan. And even Music Industry also included ? and they even hate it just because those stars are from Korean?!?! That doesn’t mean it will effect Japan student who are still schooling, i mean about 50% of people who likes and another 50% who doesn’t. Music can’t be HATED! because without music in this world it will be a very dull boring life, and nothing fun gonna happen if there’s no entertainment! As we all know that even japan themselves do music in their own industry!! So they can’t just become Unfriendly with Korea over small issue. If they can just change of that there won’t be any argument or so whatever. Everything will go smoothly and more warm welcome. Not to just war or hating each other over small matter that it seems Racist or rather some childish issue. Can they just stop all this nuisance “ANTI – HATERS ” Issue!! and grow up Please!! Well that’s about it for today! Thank you for reading!


RE: Six workers contaminated by Fukushima leak

ImageImage News On the 9 October 2013 and disaster related. 

TOKYO — Six workers at Japan’s crippled Fukushima nuclear plant were exposed to a leak of highly radioactive water today (Oct 9), the latest in a string of mishaps the country’s nuclear watchdog has attributed to carelessness, saying they could have been avoided.

Tokyo Electric Power, also known as TEPCO, has been battling to contain radioactive water at the plant, which suffered triple meltdowns and hydrogen explosions following a devastating earthquake in March 2011.

 In the latest incident, a worker mistakenly detached a pipe connected to a treatment system to remove salt from the hundreds of tonnes of water TEPCO pumps over the melted fuel in wrecked reactors at Fukushima to keep them cool.

Mr Tanaka urged TEPCO to improve its handling of contaminated water, but stopped short of saying if it faced any penalties.

The accidents at the Fukushima Daiichi plant, 220km north of Tokyo, are adding to a crisis no one seems to know how to contain, and stirring doubt over TEPCO’s abilities to carry out a complex cleanup widely expected to take decades.

Just last week, the regulator ordered TEPCO to draft in additional workers and report within a week on its measures to tackle the hazardous clean-up.

TEPCO said seven tonnes (7000 kg) of water were spilled in today’s incident at the treatment facility but were contained within the site, adding that the leaked water had an all-beta radiation level of 34 million becquerels per litre. Beta radiation is not as harmful to humans as other types, although it can still cause DNA damage.

Mr Tanaka said the leaked water had already been treated to remove cesium, which emits strong gamma radiation harmful to humans.

On Monday, TEPCO said a plant worker accidentally halted power to pumps used to cool the damaged reactors. A backup system kicked in immediately, but the event was another reminder of the precarious situation at the plant.

Last week, TEPCO said 430 litres of contaminated water had spilled out of a storage tank at Fukushima and probably flowed to the ocean.

Japan’s nuclear regulator said today that incident was equivalent to “Level 0” on the International Nuclear and Radiological Events Scale (INES), but gave no official rating.

In August, a leak of 300 tonnes (300,000kg) of highly radioactive water from a hastily built site tank was given a “Level 3” or “serious incident” rating on the INES scale.

Also in August, TEPCO said two workers were contaminated with radioactive particles, the second such incident in a week involving staff outside the site’s main operations centre.

TEPCO is trying to restart its only remaining viable plant — Kashiwazaki Kariwa, the world’s largest nuclear power station, to cut high fuel costs and restore its finances. REUTERS

From my point of view above mention in news, as i know that Japan had gone through alot of hard times where they go through Earthquakes on the 2011. And now this matter have been spread in news around the world. As i know they are currently very wounded and in trauma as what they had experience in that Earthquakes. Just like how Haiti , Indonesia , Phillipines , China related to something like this issue. As we know that not all of them survive on that very cruel moment. Some manage to escape and go to a certain location where they are very much safe over there. This is also due to “Global Warming” issue again. Where the earth being corrupted with lots of things. Even include those who lived on the mountain side where the “Volcano” Erupted was in Indonesia. 


As i can feel the tension as where they had to go through all disaster they facing. News like this people will never want to ignore. As this is where people tragic lives begun in mysery and emotional. As those foreigners tends to find a way to support their country people just by doing larbor work in overseas or even include in Singapore they too willing to do anything just to earn some cash for a living. As this is the only way for them to survive for their expanses for food , clothes , transport , travel..ETC; Till this very day, still thousand or million of them still happily moving on in their working lives. Whether the Asian or the Foreigner side. We are very much willing to help them as much as we can. This is called the Friendly Zone around the World! World Peace! Peace No War! That would all for today! Thank you for reading!