RE: Heavy Haze in China, Harbin



News on the CNN , Asia:

As you have read or not at all..China is in  worst situation. The haze in their country is everywhere in their city. Suffocate all of them and some even had to wear a mask on whenever they had an outdoor activities. This ever happen to Indonesia and even in Singapore for this case. Where building been cover up by the haze , when some even delay their activities or even cancel their appointment on that day. As we know this type of haze can make human breathing real worst, such if we ever inhale the bad air condition surrounding us.  As some of them have a health problem related like their lungs and other medical issue. It can be a forest burning , accident or even the factory. To avoid such worst cases like this we need to wear a mask whenever we go outdoor or just stay at home.  So that our health won’t be affected by it. Well That’s about the news today, Thank you for reading!