RE: Regarding To financial Issue in The U.S.



News on the Bloomberg webpage. As what the news told that there will be some crisis for people doing business in all company around the U.S. sales might just turn out bad. As some may either resigned their jobs, or even some they been kick out from jobs. As you know thousand or billion of them out there across the globe. Are jobless and having a financial issue related such as credit and more debts related. I’m very sure some of you have encounter a problem situation like this where some of you feel the need of cash for living and also to pay your debt but it’s hard for you it’s because of not enough cash in your bank due to you been spending on yourself or family or even paying credit or more bills. It happens to my mum who also have to work hard just to earn money just to pay up any amount from the debt and bill related. It’s not quite a good   convenience because everybody had to wait for their salary just to pay a small amount of money just for a clear up slowly. Nowadays some retail shops been selling their product prices are quite high, we use to have those cheaper and affordable price to purchase certain items. If i was a president or a government people, i would kindly offer a good cheap price for especially the poor ones, because i know how they feel. As they couldn’t effort much to support their love ones or family. Due to high prices in all retail stores. But what i notice some certain country do have like those auction shop or those 2nd hand shops which i guess only those poor ones can manage to get their items there. Whether is food , clothes , and so on.. as some are those single parents who need to support and responsible due to their school fees , food and ETC. I hope government and president would be so kind to decrease the retail prices. That show that they are really concern for the poor. I really hope they could give a 2nd thoughts and wise when it comes to this situation. Remember not all could effort to buy a food, home and clothes.. only about 50/50% of people across the globe can manage and some may not. That’s all for today news. Thank you for reading!