RE: North Korea puts army on alert, warns US of ‘horrible disaster’

ImageImage SEOUL — North Korea said today (Oct 8) its military would be put on high alert and be ready to launch operations, stepping up tension after weeks of rhetoric directed against the United States and South Korea, who it accuses of instigating hostility.

Reclusive North Korea has often issued threats to attack the South and the United States but has rarely turned them into action. Such hostile rhetoric is widely seen as a means to perpetuate its domestic and international political agenda.

In the latest outburst, a spokesman for the North’s military warned the United States of “disastrous consequences” for moving a group of ships, including an aircraft carrier, into a South Korean port.

In March, the North declared it was no longer bound by the armistice that ended fighting in the 1950-53 Korean War signed with the United States and China, threatening to use nuclear weapons to attack US and South Korean territories.

The North has defied international warnings not to build nuclear and long-range missiles and is believed to have enough fissile material to build up to 10 nuclear bombs. Most intelligence analysis says it has yet to master the technology to deploy such weapons.

The United States, which has 28,500 troops stationed in the South, regularly engages in drills with its ally, and has said the aircraft carrier USS George Washington was leading a group of ships to visit South Korea in a routine port call.

South Korea’s Defence Ministry said yesterday (Oct 7) the ships were taking part in a routine maritime search and rescue exercise and said any criticism by North Korea was “wrong”. The impoverished North’s large but ageing conventional military is considered unfit to fight an extended modern battle but it staged surprise attacks against the South in 2010 that killed 50 people in aggression unprecedented since the war.

An attempt at dialogue in August led to the reopening of a jointly run factory park that was shut amid high tensions in April. However, talks have since hit a stalemate. REUTERS

From my point of view from the above news. The US has nothing better to do then to trying to investigate on just certain issue. Things like this has always been happening around. Where some certain foreign people tends to spy for the sake on behalf of their leaders from their country. If only they can just hold on to a conference talk over a video call. To any point of matter related to discuss. That doesn’t mean that any Country whereby they must Fought War against. Isn’t this a little too common throughout the years. Where they tend to be too “Racist“. When can this war ever ends? Waiting for the “End of The World” is that what they asking for, where only one man standing that kind of thing! This is totally nuisance and childish way of doing. If in this world where the word “WAR” never existed in our dictionary. But we all know that, were rubbish things started just without warning or some certain discussion. Can all this ever talk peacefully through some connection or email or call. And so there won’t be any cold walls in between these 2 country Korea and the US, that includes other country that apply to these matter. Like i say in my previous blog about this “World Peace”  so yeah..i hope someday they will learn their lesson to lessen their childish topic. Well that’s about today topic. Thank you for reading!